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Rockwool is a mineral wool insulation that provides enhanced acoustic and fire performance, it is suited to a number of applications such as in walls, roofs and underfloor situations.

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Where is Rockwool suitable for use?

Where is Rockwool suitable for use?

Rockwool is suited to wall, roof, basement and underfloor applications.

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Is there any height limitations on Rockwool?

Is there any height limitations on Rockwool?

It can be used in buildings over 5 metres tall, which means there is no issues in apartments buildings.

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What benefits does Rockwool provide?

What benefits does Rockwool provide?

It performs well in terms of it's acoustic and thermal properties. As well as being extremely energy efficient.

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System Benefits

  • Increased fire performance.
  • Significant acoustic properties.
  • Long lasting thermal performance.
  • Exceptionally energy efficiency.
  • No thermal breaks or bridges.
  • Quieter than traditional systems.
  • Suited to a multitude of applications.
Rockwool-Comfortboard-80-in use.6.jpg
Rockwool Installed on Wall Application

Rockwool Installed on Wall Application

Close Up of Rockwool

Close Up of Rockwool

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